Speaking and Media

Dive into a wealth of knowledge, inspiring success stories, and expert advice that will empower and guide you on your wellness journey.

Hi! I'm Jaime, and I'm so happy you're here!

I have been a nurse for 20 years and have been practicing Functional Medicine for 12 years now after I had a major health crisis that conventional medicine could not solve. After my recent pursuit of a Doctorate in Nursing Practice, halfway through the program, I had another severe health crisis triggered by intense stress, anxiety, and gut health problems.

Armed with knowledge of my health story and using the foundations of functional medicine and brain rewiring techniques, I recovered fast, feeling better than I had in a long time. This experience was another turning point, making me realize that my real passion lies in functional medicine, not just acquiring another academic title.

I am passionate about helping others understand their unique health journey so that they, too, can find answers, take control of their health, and live a life they love to the fullest!

I recently shifted to Rewire Wellness FM, offering programs to coach others to get to the root cause of their life and health issues. I am the author of [Your Story Matters], a book and journal set that guides people through a 3-step process to take ownership of a happier and healthier life. Together with my husband, I own a health food store, Healthy Habits Health Foods and I formerly hosted the Healthy Habit Radio Show (now the Healthy Habit Podcast). I am also the CEO of Organic Excellence, a line of bioidentical hormone and toxin free personal care products.

Featured In

Featured Talks and Presentations

Holistic Nurses Success Event

  • How to prevent and recover from Burnout

  • Using Ozone for chronic health issues

  • Working on self care

Triumph over Adrenal and Chronic Fatigue Conference

  • How does stress affect our health

  • What role does our Adrenals play

  • What to do when you have Chronic Fatigue

Eczema, Psoriasis and Skin Disease Master Class

  • Filling in the G.A.P. to your Skin health

  • The role the liver plays in the health of your skin

  • How to detox the right way for skin health

Liver and Gallbladder Rescue Summit

  • Filling in the G.A.P. to you Liver health

  • What role does the Gallbladder play

  • How to support healthy Liver and Gallbladder function for a healthier you

Freedom Kitchen Virtual Summit

  • How food affects our behavior

  • Healthy comfort foods

  • What simple changes can we make

Speaking Engagements

Jaime is available for podcast interviews, summits, webinars, and other speaking engagements. She believes that every person’s story matters for their health and will inspire your audience to become advocates for themselves and embrace a happier and healthier life.

Topics, Talks, & Expertise

  • How Your Story Affects Your Health

  • Using a Journal to Take Control of Your Health

  • Therapeutic Diets

  • Cleansing & Detoxification

  • How Your Liver Affects Skin Health

  • SIBO, Gut Health, & Leaky Gut

  • Stress & Mental Health

Ready to heal your body and restore your health?

"It brings tears to my eyes when I realize I am finally healing, I have never felt better in my life!

I had done every doctor, detox, and medication for my hormones and cystic acne, and when I finally changed personalized my food and applied what you teach my skin cleared up and my cycles became regular!

Thank you for simplifying things and helping me find answers I have been searching for since I was 15."

- Katarina A.

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